05/31/07: Mood-Up

M: I guess this has happened to everyone at least once: You're wonderfully miserable after a night out, but before you get to appreciate your hangover and really feel sorry
for yourself, your spirits are on the rise again. Of course, this usually only applies after a good night's sleep, when the alcohol poisoning has had time to slowly recede.
Unfortunately, my two-month holidays are drawing to an end, so I'll have to get used to getting up really early, really soon. Who'd have thought May only had 31 days?

Time for a quick review:

Cleaned my apartment? No.
Sorted and read my comic books (eight months overdue)? Nope.
Painted the bathroom ceiling (two years overdue)? Nay.
Trained for the upcoming city run? Uh-uh.
Maintained a regular strip update schedule? Errm...
Done anything remotely meaningful? Not that I'm aware of.

Sounds like a real holiday to me. :-)