08/30/07: Dammit!

M: I admit I wouldn't have minded seeing our girls in the "outstanding" getup shown above, but alas, it was not meant to be.
I've been experimenting with the resolution of the strip again. With higher-res monitors, the old 300 pixel-wide panels just don't cut it anymore
(Bad Karma looks great on the PS3 browser with an HDTV set), but I do realize that 400 pixels per panel are not very reader friendly for the
standard Windows desktops nowadays (mostly 1280 x 960 or 1280 x 1024). Still, I didn't want to shrink the images any further, as I'm already
losing enough details (the zipper in the last panel was clearly discernible at the original resolution of 1200 x 1200 pixels). If this rant makes
any sense to you and you want to share your thoughts with me - go ahead! I hope you've got my email address, because I won't be sharing
it here... :-)

P.S.: Yes, I might add some shader effects later on. Edit: Done.