04/25/08: Ignorance is bliss

M: Actually, working with a distributor, you'll come across all kinds of inquiries/requests/insults. Of course, you'll be taking the blame, whether it's for
demos ("This looks weak - I'm sure the developers were rushed by their publishers and distributors!"), no demos ("Certainly, the developers would have
loved to do one!"), release dates ("This game would have needed more polishing!") or no release dates ("I want it now! I can't wait another two months!").

Change of topics: Did I mention that I love the open structure of the PS3? I mean, do I look like I have the time (or motivation) to win hundreds of races
in Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, just to be able to afford the most expensive cars? Hah! Here's what I did: I played the game up to the point where I would
have needed to drive in circles for an hour just to buy the next MANDATORY car. Then I downloaded the more or less complete save file from
GameFAQs, and, hey presto: Instant Ferrari time! :-)